Thursday, June 10, 2010

District-Wide Summer Musical

This year, the show is Peter Pan, and will be taking place at Henninger High School. At the time of writing this message, auditions at the high schools have already taken place, but there is still time to get involved...

CASTING - Auditions continue next week at a few of the middle schools, if you'd still like the chance to audition, at 3:30 PM each day:

Monday, Sept. 14 - Clary
Tuesday, Sept. 15 - Lincoln
Wednesday, Sept. 16 - Frazier
Thursday, Sept. 17 - Ed Smith

CREW - Ms. Fennessy from Nottingham will be organizing the crew this year, and plans to be holding work sessions on many weekdays from noon to 4 PM. If you'd like to get involved helping to build the set, or working on tech, contact her at

If you have any other questions about the production, give me an email at and I'll be happy to answer...

Dusting off the tools

After four years of disuse, we're dusting off this format again for sharing information. Why? Well, this blog - and many others - went dormant when Facebook became a dominant platform for sharing and discussing information. Not so much because it was better - it isn't - but because it's where people were, and if the point was to contact everyone and engage them in the conversation, you need them to be able to hear you, right?

Well, there are two problems. First, while Facebook remains dominant - in fact, it may be even more pervasive now with an even greater percentage of people on it - there are still some who are not, and using Facebook only won't help get them information. Also, the somewhat enigmatically unpredictable and often nonsensical vascillating of computer policy in the school district makes it uncertain from one moment to the next whether everyone can access Facebook or not. At the moment, staff can while students cannot.

So, we'll try this again, at least for the moment. Is it possible, even likely, that we'll fall out of touch again here at some point? Certainly. But we might as well at least try again...